Internship with us
We encourage young adults who are in school or fresh graduates to join us and gain experience working with teenagers. This can take between 3 months to one year. We also link our intern to an international fellowship in the USA. Read More
Volunteer with us
We are looking for ambassadors to link us to churches both in Kenya and abroad that can help support our programs. We are seeking 2 years or more partnership. Your involvement will give your members an opportunity to do something meaningful in terms of social investment. They can visit our programs in Kenya as work groups or even volunteer to work on our new building project. We already got the first church come and they helped plant new trees to our new property. Click here to sign up
Tourist Destination on your Safari
We are based on the slopes of Mt. Kenya. That means on your way to a safari visit beautiful sceneries around Mt. Kenya and stop over and experience our activities at the site. You can meet our teenagers and staff team and have a memorable experience with CLICK HERE to have a sample of one of the tourist agencies that may be doing something you may like to do after missionary work.

Work group from
Angaza Kenya Summer 2023
