He was born in Mombasa, a renowned journalist in making. He moved to Nairobi, later relocated to Kwale and is currently at Embu. You might imagine him to be a gallivanter. But in reality, he is one guy who is yet to find a place he can call home. Simon Macicia, one of our alumnis at YPC relocated to Embu when things stopped working out for him at Kwale and that is where His dream is to become a renowned journalist was more pronounced thr

ough mentorship program.
“I was born in March 1999 in Mombasa and sadly lost my mum as soon as I entered this world due to birth complications. No one knew who my daddy was, so let's just say, I was orphaned at birth. My loving grandmother took on the responsibility of caring and providing for me. Since she wasn't well up, even getting some milk for me was so hard. But she worked hard; I grew up healthy and was able to join school. That was a big step, little did I know it would come with challenges of its own. Most days I went to school with an empty stomach. To add to my pain, some kids who were well up would laugh at me when I arrived early in the morning with tattered uniforms.
While still in elementary school, an opportunity opened for me to move to Nairobi and continue with my studies there. Finally, life will get better, I thought so. Little did I know my host, who was a close family member, would add to my afflictions. Mistreatment was the order of the day and when I couldn't take it anymore, I ran away and joined the street children.
The streets became my home for six months, after which my brother came to my rescue. He cleaned me up and took me to Kwale where I sat for my national exams to join high school. I got admission to one of the top boarding high schools in Kenya and relied on my brother to pay for my fees. While this time round I didn’t go to class hungry, I felt so lonely since I didn’t have family members visiting me in school. Thankfully, I had some friends who would invite me over when their parents came to visit. I also relied on friends to support me when I had a need since I had no one to give an allowance.
My secondary school education would soon come to a halt when my brother was no longer able to pay for my tuition. I dropped out of school and moved back home. Fortunately, a cousin of mine intervened and sent me to Embu where I was able to join another school and complete my secondary education.
While in Embu I learnt about Youth Promise Centre Kenya and signed up for some classes. I am so glad I did because I got equipped with Information Technology and mentorship skills.I was mentored and taught good values,morals and how to effectively deal with life issues.My experience there was awesome. I will always be thankful for all I got from YPC.
On April 31st 2019,I lost my dear grandmother. Though I am left with no one to look up to, I am striving to live a life that pleases God.I am also fighting hard to realise my dream of becoming a renowned Journalist. Thank You.”
It warms our hearts to know our computer literacy and mentorship classes are making a huge impact on our teen’s lives. Both in their careers and how they are capable to handle life issues. Simon has joined a college in Nairobi our capital city and is doing wonderful.
In our August digest, we met a 22 year old jovial William Silisia, a young gentleman who despite having a childhood and teen years marked by poverty and illness, has not allowed anything to take away his joy and hope. After graduating from YPC, we helped connect him to another opportunity by the grace of God, He got a scholarship to study ICT under the Kenya Youth Employment & Opportunities Project (KYEOP). Prayers answered.
Come the next story, we will meet Winnie our alumnus who has plans to join college this month. She had problems with her parents before joining YouthPromise but she confessed that the mentorship helped her relate well with them and they accepted to support her college education.
Thank you for your continued support to Youth Promise Kenya. It is through your prayers, and financial and moral support that we are able to touch lives and help our teens have hope for the future. If you would like to learn more about any of these youths or Youth Promise Kenya, or even pay us a visit to Kenya someday, please feel free to contact us via email: ypromisekenya@gmail.com or jimureithi14@gmail.com.